Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Anal Retention Is Retarded

Yes, it’s retarded. I hate it. It drives me up a wall. Me, I just let it all go. I just shit whenever and wherever I feel like, no matter what. Like the guy who, after washing his hands in the bathroom, has to grab the door handle with a paper towel. You’re a moron. I know, I know, you don’t want to get the germs of the person who didn’t wash their hands. But seriously, what do you think you’re going to get? You’re paranoid. But, you know what? Because I just grab the handle without sanitary concern for my hand, I have made my immune system stronger. Yours? Well, it’s not really used to anything but soap and paper towels. Mine? Fuck, it beats shit like shit right out of my system because it’s used to dealing with it. In other words, my immune system can beat up your immune system.

My immune system shot 5 bucks! How many did yours shoot!? Huh huh, pussy!

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