Tuesday, May 11, 2010

To Beg Or Not To Beg (For Warmer Weather)

This time of the year in Minnesota, the weather is always a crap-shoot.  It could be 75, or 40 and raining. It's a frustrating time for us northern folk.  We've just come out of 4 months of oppressing cold and snow and are ready for the beauty of summer to help us forget the winter. Most Minnesotans just want it to be warm - 75, sunny, and clear skys. 

For myself, as a homebrewer, there is a bit of a debate as to whether I want the current temperatures to hang around or for the weather to get warmer.  Summer is not a great time to brew beer, at least not in my tiny, hard-to-maintain-a-consistant-temperature, apartment.  Hanging out with a stove on full when it's 80 degrees out isn't any fun.  I also don't have a place for fermentation that stays below 70 degrees during the summer months. 

Part of me - the part that needs to spend time on the golf course - begs for summer temperatures and a lot of sunshine, while the beer maker in me wants the 50 degree days to last for a couple more weeks so I can squeeze one more batch of beer in before the summer hits.

Of course, in the event that I am unable to brew one last batch this spring, I do have 5 gallons of batch #3 less than a week away from being ready to drink - a hoppy honey wheat. I'll just have to drink away my sorrow for not getting batch #4 done in time for summer. I can live with that.

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